
The Perfect Professional Headshot

Blog posted On November 04, 2014

Before saying “Cheese!” and snapping that headshot, keep these tips in mind to get it perfect the first time, conveying yourself as a true professional.
Wear solid colors. Black and white work the best and go with every background. Avoid patterns or busy shirts, ties, or jackets as they can clash with the background and distract from your smile.
Go for a natural look. A professional headshot should show your business side. Use natural and minimal makeup. Others see a clean look as more trustworthy.
Limit jewelry worn. Do not over accessorize by wearing too much jewelry. Keep is simple with fashionable but understated pieces to keep the focus professional.
Confident Posture. Establish your assertiveness and knowledge in your business through a confident posture. Look directly into the camera, sit or stand tall, pull your shoulders back, and smile with your mouth and your eyes. Convey yourself as an approachable and reputable professional simply through your posture.
Image Consistency. Use the professional headshot image everywhere. From business cards to your LinkedIn account, flyers to advertisements, use the same image on every piece of marketing material. Every personal website or social media profile should maintain a consistent and familiar look for your audience.
With these helpful tips, you’re sure to get that oft-sought-after perfect headshot that eludes so many. Smile!