
Faking a Clean House

Blog posted On January 15, 2016

Sometimes actually cleaning your house is not feasible that day. Or maybe you have last minute guests that will be arriving at any moment. Here’s how to fake a clean house and still wow.
1. Loose Items – Scoop up all miscellaneous items on the floor and put them into designated bins. Simply making room to sit or walk through your home does wonders for the overall cleanliness. Using canvas bins that double as decorations or a hollow ottoman that serves as storage space as well are perfect for just this task.
2. Lighting – Light some candles or dim the lamps a bit to give your home a nice glow and hide some of the mess.
3. Air freshener – Sporting equipment, last night’s dinner, and laundry can add a hint of muskiness to a home that you may have become accustomed to but your guests will notice immediately. A light spray of air freshener or a plug-in freshener can take care of that quickly.
4. Dishes – Put the dishes into the dishwasher to give your kitchen a kept look.
5. Papers – Most of us keep a stack of mail and some papers we need to go through in a pile somewhere. Put these in a drawer or have a cute container to store them in. Reducing clutter is one of the best ways to maintain a clean home.
So next time you hear that you’ll be hosting guests at the last minute, just remember that a quick run through your home could create the “fake clean” that is needed to impress. Use these tips to get your home ready and then kick back and relax while waiting for the fun to arrive!