
Housing Season

Blog posted On March 25, 2015

Have you noticed the chatter around entering “housing season” lately? What exactly is housing season?
The housing and mortgage industry refer to the time of year when housing sales dominate and people are more likely to move as “housing season.” This season typically falls between the months of April and September when the weather is warmer, school is wrapping up, and vacation time is available to be used moving. The years have shown a trend in what we now consider housing season where people tend to start listing homes for sale or diving more forcefully into their search for a home beginning in spring.
No one likes schlepping through a storm to look at homes. Even more so, no one likes packing up their belongings and moving in the middle of bad weather. Once spring hits, people start trekking outside and seriously considering a move. During this time, the market sees a spike in homes listed and applications submitted. This behavior continues until school is back in session and the weather begins to turn with fall.
Obviously, there are exceptions to this trend. But for the sake of explaining a “housing season,” this definition has fit for many years. Should you join in with the housing craze during this time of year? It depends. Depending on if it’s a buyer’s market or a seller’s market, you could greatly benefit from partaking in the abundance of houses on the market, lower prices, and exceptional weather.
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