
Spring Cleaning Tips

Blog posted On March 13, 2015

Don’t let spring-cleaning stress you out. While the thought of opening that closet door at the end of the hall may seem daunting, we’re here to help you through the process and make it as easy, and hopefully dust-free, as possible.
Get your cleaning supplies in order! Duster. Mop. Windex. Bleach. Gather your favorites and some new ones too.
Create a plan based on what you deem the most systematic way to clean. Maybe one side of the house to the other? Do you want to back your way out of the house so as you leave the front door your home is the epitome of a pristine oasis? Top to bottom? No matter how you choose to tackle the issue, the key is to get started.
Cleaning also means getting rid of things. Rid your closet of old or ruined garments. Donate kitchen items you no longer use to a local charity bin. Find a way to cleanse your home of not only dust and dirt but also things. If you’re not using it, someone else will. Whether you hold a garage sale or donate to your local charity, these items can find a use other than cluttering your home.
Determine your number one challenge spot is and face it head on. Has that closet at the end of the hall been making weird noises? Or does the attic leave you wishing it would just disappear? Don’t waste anymore time stressing over dealing with it. Roll up your sleeves, take a deep breath and dive in. You’ll feel better when it’s done.
One final task to complete as we jump into our spring-cleaning: open up those windows and crank up the music! Spring-cleaning doesn’t have to be a drag. Make it fun by dancing around and before you know it, you’ll be done and ready to enjoy your newly organized, scrubbed home!