
Yard Sale Tips from the Pros

Blog posted On July 31, 2015

The summer months are winding down and school is just around the corner. You have probably accumulated some extra items from vacations, day-trips, or parties during the warmer weather. If your home is looking a little cluttered, consider hosting a yard sale to clean up, clear out, and make some extra money. Here are some tips from the pros:
1. Know the Town Rules for Sales – Some towns and neighborhoods have restrictions on yard sales. Be sure to check out your local laws to ensure you are in compliance with the rules and obtain the proper permits necessary if required.
2. Set Reasonable, Good Deals – Be realistic about what will sell and what should just be given away or donated. Generally, experts recommend starting the price of sought-after products be set at one third of the original price. Set up a table of $1 items, $.50 items, and so forth. Be clear when labeling items with prices to keep transactions simple and smooth.
3. Have Small Bills on Hand – Nothing is worse than not having the right change when someone is trying to purchase an item. Be prepared for people paying in twenty-dollar bills. Having lots of small bills on hand will allow you to keep a steady flow running through your yard sale.
4. Plan Ahead of Time – Waking up one morning and deciding to host a yard sale that day is not the way to go. You need to be sure to properly prepare to get the most out of it. Advertising and preparing signs to hang in local stores and/or newspapers will help spread the word and get more people headed to look over your goods. Research the pricing of items to ask fair deals on everything and increase your chances of higher sales.
5. Signs – One of the main points all pros make: if you put up signs, take them back down when you are done with them! Put up signs in areas where they are allowed. Again, check with your local laws as to where signs can legally be hung. Make sure the lettering is clear, easy-to-read, and informative. Drive by your signs to make sure you can read them easily so you know others can as well. When your yard sale is over, be sure to go collect all signs and advertisements around the neighborhood you distributed.
Yard sales can be a great way to make some extra cash while clearing out your home of unwanted or unnecessary items. Follow these tips from the pros and reap the benefits of a successful yard sale.